My Experiences with Silva Meditation Scans In 1973, I enrolled in a Silva Mind Control Seminar (currently known as Silva Life Systems). There were 300 people in the class and we were taught how to scan people for medical conditions. However, since we were not doctors, we were not allowed to make a diagnosis. In order to graduate, we had to do 5 medical readings without solutions, and 298 of us actually did it. We began by getting into a meditative state and retreating into our internal imaginary lab. I created a system to view the body of the person being scanned like a cartoon. In my case I used the Pillsbury dough boy image, with a Xerox light scanning from behind, top to bottom. If the light stopped somewhere in the body, that section had a problem, although I did not know exactly what it was. My experience was based upon the Edgar Casey readings. Edgar Casey would go into a deep trance or meditation and would be given a name of the person and city where they lived. He would then give a medical reading with solutions. After taking this course, I became free of the PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) which had plagued me since Vietnam, and I was able to quit smoking. After a Silva guided meditation on the removal of bad habits my cigarettes fell out of my pocket. When I bent over and was about to pick them up I just looked at them, I just decided not to smoke anymore, and I stopped smoking for 11 years. Over the years since I learned to scan, I remember several episodes when it was very useful. In 1974, I was driving from NY to Orlando when on my way through the Carolinas; I developed a severe pain in my lower stomach. It was dark and a half hour later, I finally saw a sign for a hospital. I walked in dancing in a circle of pain, and could not sit or stand still. My luck was not with me since only a nurse was on duty in this small town. She called the Doctor, who was at a party, and gave him my vitals and symptoms. After a shot of something that calmed me down, I checked into a motel across the road. I was feeling good the next morning and continued my journey south, but 2 hours later the pain was back. This time I found a larger hospital. After checking me out, they transferred me to Camp Lejeune Marine Core Base since I was retired Military. It was a Friday, late afternoon. I was diagnosed with a kidney stone and scheduled for surgery on Monday. I had the weekend to try to heal myself, because mentally, I said, “No, they won't be operating.” A month previously, I had read The Science of Breathing by Yogi Ramacharaka, which inspired me to heal myself using Silva techniques. I started the meditation and self scan with deep breathing. Keeping my focus was difficult, because I was in an open ward with radios, laughter and loud talking which were all distracting me. In my meditation, I replaced the Xerox light with a circular stainless steel screen which I tried to visualize pushing from the top of my head down to my feet. But there was a problem, the screen would get stuck at the point of my kidney stone. I continued my attempts by starting over and over again while trying to keep my focus and dealing with all the distractions. Finally a strange thing happened when the screen suddenly descended to my feet. As I sat on the bed reverting to normal breathing, I got hit with what I can only describe as a “bucket of energy. ”It felt like a bucket of water had been splashed over me by an invisible person, completely drenching me through and through". I was exhausted and fell asleep. The next morning when I got up to pee, I heard a clink. I had passed the stone without any pain. I picked up the stone from the urinal and washed it off. It was the size of a green pea with all sorts of raggedy sharp edges. I gave the stone to the doctor and told him what had happened, but I left out the part about the breathing meditation and visualization. The Military would not let me leave until Monday. Procedural Crap! The scanning technique has proved very useful in helping other people as well as myself. A fellow massage therapist was having a problem and asked me to scan her. When I asked what the problem was, she said she felt off, strange and not herself. I asked her when it started. She thought for a second and remembered it was when a client of hers had an epileptic event on her massage table. She stood there and touched her patient, remaining calm until it was over, but afterwards she began to feel strange. After agreeing to scan my fellow therapist, as I am whipping out the Pillsbury dough boy visual to scan, the scan immediately reverted to living color and I saw my friend standing there with a black suitcase in her left hand. The suitcase had no detail, just the shape of a suitcase. Then I realized that she was holding on to the suitcase which represented some type of energy. I instructed her to see herself near a beautiful gentle waterfall and to step into the falls and imagine the water cleansing her entire body and cellular structures. As she was being bathed in the water, she was instructed to see herself letting go of the black suitcase in her left hand as the water descended down to her hands. I had my eyes closed watching all of this, and the next thing I knew, I was getting a great big hug and thank you. Another interesting scanning episode was when my brother, Richie, also a Silva graduate, gave me a short metal rod and asked me about it. When I scanned the rod, I saw waves on the ocean and some kind of one handed clock moving 12 to 3. I didn't have a clue as to how to interpret my scan, until Richie told me about the rod. He said it was put through a tensile stress test using a hydraulic (water) machine while a dial measured the amount of stress or fatigue the metal could handle before being pulled apart. Talk about a picture being worth a thousand words! Over the years, I have not had the opportunity to use this scanning skill set often, but I think it could be especially useful in certain applications such as TSA screening, law enforcement, or helping trained doctors diagnose mysterious health issues.
Salvatore Cacciola Edited by Peggy Steinberg © 2016 |